Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tangy's Blog - The Nightmare Bride Picture - 19th March 2014

Emma ( as the Nightmare Bride)

Sorry I forgot to add this photo in my last post.

The Knightmare Bride is Emma,when she has turned mental to try to get revenge on her husband.Though Emma has to turn to the Dolly for help.

Once they had their revenge Dolly and the Nightmare Bride try to take over the world.With a little of Emma still inside the Nightmare bride,can Miley stop her before it is too late.

Tangy's Msp Blog - The Nightmare Bride and The Dolly - 19th March 2014

The Dolly

 On Msp Dolly is know for being a sneaky hacker.And the picture show on the left is what she really wears on Msp.Which I will be wearing in the movie.

Before you say anything I am not the Dolly you can buy all of Dolly's clothes in the shop.

I used this Dolly look for Halloween,though it also comes in use for movies.


Amber is Ben's ex-girlfriend.Her middle name is trouble,wherever she goes she has to cause trouble.

Amber can get any boy she wants and have them wrapped round her finger.Though she couldn't quiet handle Ben at the time when they broke up.But when she found out how to win him over they never saw each other again for a good few years.

When Amber saw Ben at the disco she knew just what game she could play on him.And she won!
 Emma  (at the Honey Moon)

Emma is played by beautifulbnird9,who is my younger sister in real life.

Emma is a laid back,bubbly person who loves a laugh.She loved Ben with all her heart and was really ashamed when Ben broke her heart.

After Ben had broke her heart she became the Nightmare Bride and joined the Dolly

 Emma ( as a bride)

Although Emma and Ben's wedding is not shown in the movie I would still like to show you Emma as a bride.

This is the good stuff about reading my blog
You get to see sneak peeks.o,

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tangy's Msp Blog - A movie series - 18th March 2014

Sorry I don't have any pictures or anything but I'm on my android device.

I'm working on a movie on Msp,which will be called The Dolly and the Knightmare Bride.

Its about this woman (called Emma) who is on a honey moon with her husband,and she goes out window shopping a bit.The husband stays behind at the hotel in the pool,and one of his ex-girlfriends shows up.Unfortunately,for his wife,her husband (Ben) and his ex-girlfriend (Amber) still have feelings for each other and never understood why they both broke up.As they both feel the heat,can they both resist each other?With time ticking away,Emma unexecptedly bumps into a old friend (called Miley) Emma can't wait to show Miley her husband so Emma goes back to the hotel with Miley.When Emma can't find her husband anywhere she begins to cry as she thinks he had left her.Miley tells Emma that he'll probably show up later,so Emma and Miley decide to bathe in the pool.But when they spot a young couple in the pool they are put off and decide to go inside.Though Emma had to stop them.When Emma stops the couple she realises that its Ben and bursts into tears.

In her revenge,Emma turns into a Knightmare Bride and teams up with the Dolly to seek her revenge.When they have seeked their revenge its not just people who hurt them that they murder.

As Emma and The Dolly are the most wanted crinimals in Europe.Can Miley stop Emma before Emma turns evil forever?

Please remember to watch the movie when I have finished it,it will be in series though it will be a very short series.Please watch it and rate it full stars (when it is finished.)

When I have finished the first part I will be posting the pictures of all the main characters in the movie.For Emma I will be posting her as a bride,at the honey moon,and as the Knightmare Bride.

Introduction - Tuesday 18th March

Hello Dear Reader,I'm so happy that you have the time to read my blog!I trust me this blog is not a waste of your time this blog is going to be amazing,because it's all about Movie Star Planet (Msp.)

Msp is a fun and awesome online game and that's why I just couldn't resist to make a blog!If your not on Msp,I say make account now or you won't now what I am going on about!

I have been a member of Msp since July 2012,and recently I bought VIP for a year.I have already spent most of my diamonds and I only have 6 left.Though I have 30,000 starcoins left.

One of my really awesome friends called luke 56 helped me to level 17!He's afraid that I may catch up with him,but I'm only level 17 and he's level 30!

Being a VIP is great,and I love helping people by giving them wishies.I actually gave so many gifts out that Msp wound let me send any more,because I had already given out ten gifts!

I would love to write more Dear Reader but I have to go!Remember to add me on Msp I'm, called Tangy57

Also add luke 56,he's awesome!